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4 Mistakes People Make During a Divorce


Unfortunately, divorce tends to bring out the worst in people. It’s not necessarily surprising given that your entire life is in disarray and you’re likely arguing with someone you once loved over assets, right down to trivial things like who gets the kitchen blender. Emotions are running high, and we don’t always think with a clear head during stressful periods. However, mistakes can inadvertently cost you everything you’re fighting for, so it’s important to try and remain cool and calm throughout the process. Here’s a look at four of the more common mistakes people make during a divorce proceeding.

Not Getting a Family Law Attorney

The single biggest mistake parties can make during a contested divorce is not retaining a knowledgeable attorney. If you’re going through a Florida divorce, having a skilled Boca Raton divorce attorney on your side can make a world of difference. Because your attorney is not emotionally tied to the parties, he or she can offer objective advice and ensure negotiations stay on track to help parties reach an equitable and fair settlement.

Taking Your Spouse off Your Medical Coverage

While you want to hit your spouse where it hurts, don’t make a rash decision that can cost you both dearly down the line. If your spouse has a medical condition, not having coverage could be financially catastrophic. And, you’re still legally married which means there could be ramifications for both of you. If you take your spouse off your medical coverage, you can’t just add them back, so consider the ramifications carefully before treading down this path. 

Bad Mouthing Your Spouse in Front of the Children

It’s not uncommon to blow off steam and say things about your soon-to-be ex, but be careful if your kids are within earshot. Remember, you are both parents to your child/children, and you don’t want to put your kids in the middle of your arguments over assets and other decisions. Even if your spouse has done some terrible things, it’s better to keep those things to yourself and share them with a trusted confidant when the kids are not present. You may think you are doing them a favor by telling them the “truth” about their other parent, but it can backfire and alienate them from you years down the line.

Hiding or Withdrawing Money

Your habits even in the days leading up to divorce will be looked at. Some people try to hide money or withdraw large sums prior to filing for divorce thinking that money won’t be subject to asset distribution. Doing it before or during a divorce proceeding can land you in trouble. If you are caught hiding money (or other assets) or withdrawing funds from the joint account, you may end up paying more. Not to mention the judge is likely to look at you in an unfavorable light when it comes to the distribution of the remainder of the assets. 

Retaining a Florida Family Law Attorney

If you’re contemplating divorce, contact the Law Offices of Schwartz | White. Our attorneys have years of experiencing handling all types of family law matters, including complex and high-asset divorces. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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