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Boca Raton Divorce Lawyer > Boca Raton Divorce > Boca Raton Property Division Lawyer

Boca Raton Property Division Lawyer

Fair distribution of assets and liabilities

Marriage is similar to a business merger, with both partners making investments and contributing income and work to the partnership. When a marriage ends, the division of assets is similar to the dissolution of a business partnership.

Our Boca Raton property division lawyers at the Law Offices of Schwartz | White possess more than 50 years of combined experience in valuating and strategizing the division of marital assets. Whether through litigation, mediation or information negotiations, we are able to obtain desirable asset division judgments for our clients.

Separate property versus marital property

Spouses may enter marriage owning substantial assets. This is especially true of second or later-in-life marriages. Although some of these assets may become co-mingled and as such become marital property, others may remain separate through the duration of the marriage. Understanding which property belongs to the marriage and which belongs to the individual parties is an important aspect of preserving our clients’ rights. The Law Offices of Schwartz | White diligently tracks and traces assets to ensure that our clients receive an equitable share of the marital assets and preserving their individual property.

Marital debts

Most couples also acquire marital debts that must be addressed during divorce proceedings. Debts may present complex issues because they often involve a third-party financial lender who may hold both parties accountable until the full obligation is paid. For this reason, it is important to have a lawyer who is familiar with the laws regarding liabilities involving such debts as:

  • Mortgages
  • Automobile loans
  • Credit cards
  • School loans
  • Medical bills
  • Small business loans

Considerations when dividing the marital home

For many couples, the marital home is their most valuable asset. In addition, the home is often filled with memories and emotions that can make it all the more difficult to vacate. Our attorneys help our clients decide whether it is financially feasible and beneficial to keep the home. We consider whether our client or the spouse can obtain financing before agreeing to either party taking possession of the home, and we protect our client by including specific language in the divorce decree regarding its maintenance, including who retains or is responsible for such maintenance, insurance, taxes and mortgage payments.

Our lawyers think outside the box to devise creative means for the fair distribution of this valuable asset. For example, in a down real estate market, we may discuss renting the property to generate income or working with the banks on other loan options.

Call our Boca Raton law firm to learn more about Florida property division laws in divorce

To get the property settlement you deserve in your divorce, call the Boca Raton asset division lawyers of Schwartz | White at 561-391-9943 or contact us online to schedule an appointment. We serve all of South Florida from our Boca Raton office, conveniently located off I-95 in the Bank of America Building. Free parking is available.

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