5 Social Media Mistakes People Make During A Divorce Case

Every fourth grader knows that people are at their worst on the Internet and that you should never give away confidential information online or believe things that you see online that you cannot corroborate in real life. Despite this, many parents in the midst of a divorce freely display their worst character traits on social media. Divorce brings lots of negative emotions, some of them downright ugly, but you should share them with people who can keep a secret, and no secret is safe on the Internet. If your estranged spouse is getting on your last nerve, instead of venting about it on Facebook, contact a Boca Raton divorce lawyer.
Flaunting Your Wealth
Even the simplest divorce cases require you to make accurate disclosures about your assets, income, expenses, and debts. Plenty of estranged spouses feign poverty in the courtroom while enjoying a lifestyle that would never be possible if the financial disclosures they submitted to the court were correct.
Trashing Your Ex-Spouse
Especially if you have minor children, you will not endear yourself to the court by saying negative things about your ex-spouse online. One of the criteria that the courts consider in their decisions about child custody is how well you encourage your children to have a stable relationship with your ex-spouse.
Contradicting Statements You Made in Court
It is not always easy to tell when the photos that people post online were taken, but it is immediately obvious when they were posted. If your social media activity contradicts the statements that you made in court, this will undermine your credibility in the eyes of the judge. For example, if you testified that you were asleep at a certain time, but your social media activity shows you commenting on friends’ posts at that time, the judge will begin to wonder what other fibs you have told.
Partying Hard
Posting pictures of yourself drinking alcohol and smoking weed is unwise if you are applying for jobs; it is also unwise if your child custody case is going to trial. Adults are allowed to drink alcohol as long as they are not endangering children, and in some parts of Florida they are also allowed to smoke cannabis, but a party animal online persona is not a good look for a divorced parent.
Being Hateful
Showing your misanthropic side online can count against you in a child custody case, even if your ex-spouse is not the target of your vitriol. Acting like a party animal online will not make a judge want to award you more parenting time, and neither will acting like a rage monster.
Contact Schwartz | White About Keeping Your Divorce Drama Offline
You have the right to be angry about your divorce and to enjoy your life as a newly single person, but don’t do it in view of the Internet audience. A South Florida divorce lawyer can help you block out the noise of social media and focus on moving on with your life financially and as a parent. Contact Schwartz | White in Boca Raton, Florida about your case.