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Assembling Your Divorce Team


Being in an unhappy marriage can be lonely, but it has nothing on how lost and alone you feel when you are going through a divorce.  You have to relearn how to do all the things for which you had developed a system, from home maintenance to filing taxes to navigating holidays with your extended family.  Then there are the completely new experiences, which are uncharted territory, such as deciding what to request in your response to your spouse’s divorce petition and not saying any of the first ten things that come to your mind when your kids talk to you about your ex’s new romantic partner.  Coping with divorce is an overwhelming task, but you do not have to do it alone.  Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a divorce superhero whose example you can emulate.  Instead, you should assemble a divorce team of personal and professional associates who can each play to their own strengths.  This is what those celebrities with the Instagrammably perfect divorces do, even though they do it on a budget that greatly exceeds yours.  A Boca Raton divorce lawyer is an essential component of your divorce team.

Your Divorce Lawyer and the Staff of Your Lawyer’s Law Firm

Divorce lawyers can provide guidance and act as a sounding board, but their main role in your divorce is to get things done.  They draft official documents, contact experts with difficult questions, and know the laws relevant to Florida divorce inside and out.  Divorce lawyers also know the best way to delegate tasks related to your case to various members of the law firm staff in order to accomplish your divorce in the most cost-effective way possible.

A Divorce Coach or Mental Health Counselor

Family law attorneys have years of professional experience seeing the practical consequences of divorce-related decisions, but you can make these decisions with more clarity if you first discuss them with a divorce coach or mental health counselor.  It helps to have someone with whom you can just focus on adjusting to your new life as a single parent, apart from all the financial decisions associated with divorce.

A Financial Planner or Estate Planning Lawyer

If you have children, you cannot afford to procrastinate getting started on your estate plan, even if you are young and healthy and your children are young enough that, on some level, their misbehavior is still cute.  Everyone takes a financial hit during divorce, but a financial planner can help you rebuild your financial cushion so that you can provide a comfortable future for your children, whether or not your ex-spouse provides any financial help beyond court-ordered child support.

Contact Schwartz | White About Relying on Your Support Network During and After Divorce

A South Florida family law attorney can help you and get a fair divorce settlement and a fair share of parenting time, but you will also need the help of other professionals, as well as your family and friends, to thrive during and after your divorce.  Contact Schwartz | White in Boca Raton, Florida about your case.



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