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How Does Equitable Distribution of Pet Ownership Work?

By Schwartz | White |

Millennials’ memories of the 90s are a fever dream in garish colors, but if you concentrate hard enough, you might remember the incident where Drew Barrymore and Tom Green had a brief marriage, followed by an epic divorce battle over their dog Flossie.  It’s all fun and celebrity Schadenfreude until it happens to you. … Read More »

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Florida Bigamy Laws

By Schwartz | White |

Bigamy is when one person is married to two people at the same time, and in Florida and every other state, it is against the law.  On the surface, it is an old-fashioned sounding word that has lost its sting.  Lots of people cheat on their spouses; the divorce court does not care which… Read More »

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Which Spouse, If Any, Keeps the Marital Home?

By Schwartz | White |

As many times as your divorce lawyer may tell you that divorce is not about winning or losing, the marital home can easily feel like a battleground, even if you and your spouse do not resort to childish pranks to antagonize each other like Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston’s characters in The Breakup.  Divorce… Read More »

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Does Bird Nesting Really Work?

By Schwartz | White |

Is bird nesting just an Internet trend, or do people actually do it in real life?  If you watch enough videos on social media, you will probably find some people who say that bird nesting after divorce was the best thing that ever happened to their family, and they seem convinced of it.  Bird… Read More »

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Proposed Legislation Attempts to Clear Up Ambiguities About Florida Divorce

By Schwartz | White |

When you are engaged or newly married, people give you all kinds of unsolicited advice, of which a lot is mutually contradictory, and you blissfully tune it out, because you are young and in love.  To this day, you cannot remember which of your aunts told you that you should state your boundaries clearly… Read More »

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How Do Judges Decide What Is Fair When Determining Equitable Distribution?

By Schwartz | White |

No matter where you live, and no matter how wealthy you are, the chances are that you will emerge from your divorce feeling like you suffered heavier financial losses as a result of the breakup of your marriage than your ex-spouse did.  People who live in community property states, such as California, base their… Read More »

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What Happens to Your Child Support Obligations If You Become Disabled?

By Schwartz | White |

Unlike parenting plans, which are based on the parents’ mutually agreed upon preferences or on a judge’s decision about the best interests of the children, child support obligations come down to a mathematical formula.  The numbers that go into the formula are the number of overnights per year the children spend with each parent… Read More »

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Can You Get a Default Divorce If You Have Minor Children?

By Schwartz | White |

It is only natural to want to avoid doing unpleasant tasks, and divorce is one of the most unpleasant experiences a person can go through.  Ignoring the fact that your spouse is divorcing you will not make the divorce case go away.  The court can still finalize your divorce, although if you refuse to… Read More »

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Frequently Asked Questions About Collaborative Divorce in Florida

By Schwartz | White |

No one wants an ugly divorce, but filing a petition in court that contains demands that you want your spouse to satisfy and then speaking to each other in a calm tone of voice and calling it amicable is like putting lipstick on a pig.  You are still threatening your spouse with a legal… Read More »

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Alternatives to Contentious Divorce

By Schwartz | White |

People whose goal in divorce is to make their spouse suffer as uc as possible and leave their spouse destitute only exist in the movies, with very few exceptions.  Sure, there are plenty of strong emotions in divorce cases, and people who were stubborn when they were married do not usually become cooperative just… Read More »

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