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Boca Raton Divorce Lawyer > Boca Raton Divorce > Boca Raton Divorce Litigation Lawyer

Boca Raton Divorce Litigation Lawyer

Aggressive courtroom advocates

Although most divorces are settled through mediation or other forms of negotiation, sometimes litigation is a better option. When a spouse is hostile or uncooperative, or simply refuses to agree to equitable terms, the courtroom is the correct forum for resolving these issues.

The Law Offices of Schwartz | White advises our clients when litigation is the right move. Our Boca Raton divorce litigation lawyers have more than 50 years of combined trial experience and the fierce determination to advocate for our clients. After thoroughly analyzing our client’s case, we can assess whether litigation can deliver the desired or preferred outcome in any given case.

Experience to guide you down the right path

Because of our longtime presence in the family law system, we are deeply familiar with the laws, procedures and general atmosphere of our South Florida courts. This connection allows us to better advise our clients in each of our cases and to help them determine when it is better to settle or to move forward with divorce litigation. We clearly explain Florida statutes regarding such issues as child custody, child support, spousal support, the marital home and jointly and individually held assets. We also explain when judges are permitted to and likely to act on their own discretion.

Aggressive litigation preparations

Our in-depth litigation preparations are a hallmark of our firm. Our lawyers conduct thorough discovery to gather crucial information we can use to our client’s advantage. In many cases, our aggressive pursuit of evidence compels the opposing party to settle for equitable terms. When the other spouse is unwilling to yield, we are fully ready to advocate for our client’s rights in the courtroom.

Access to expert witnesses

Our team also has access to professionals who assist in our strategies and may testify as expert witnesses. Economists, financial advisors, forensic accountants, securities brokers, real estate agents and appraisers are available to assist with complex property settlements. When child custody is at issue, we may consult with medical doctors, child psychologists, early development specialists and addiction counselors. In addition, we often use experts to calculate values of unique assets, such as antique cars, rare books, expensive jewelry and valuable wine collections.

Call our aggressive Boca Raton divorce litigation lawyers to get the best results in your divorce trial

For zealous advocates in your divorce litigation, call the Law Offices of Schwartz | White at 561-391-9943 or contact us online to schedule an appointment. We serve all of South Florida from our Boca Raton office, conveniently located off I-95 in the Bank of America Building. Free parking is available.

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