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Don’t Make These Three Mistakes in Your Florida Child Custody Battle


It doesn’t matter whether you are on the receiving end of a divorce petition or the one driving the decision to get divorced, the emotional toll it can take can be overwhelming. If you have children, this anxiety and stress are magnified since it’s not just you that you need to worry about. It’s important to keep a clear head when you’re in a custody battle for your children, and remember you need to do what’s best for them, not what’s most convenient for you. It’s easy to make mistakes and hurt your case, which is why it’s important to seek assistance from an experienced Boca Raton child custody attorney.

Here’s a look at three mistakes you should avoid making during your custody battle.

Don’t Threaten Your Ex and Don’t Give Them Advantageous Information

It’s easy in the heat of the moment to say things you don’t mean, but it’s even more important to bite your tongue during a divorce and custody battle. Threatening your soon-to-be ex will only come back to hurt you in the end, as he or she will definitely disclose that information to their attorney, who will likely alert the court as well. You don’t want to be faced with having to explain to a judge how you are a good parent despite threatening your ex.

In addition, don’t give them information you plan to use in your divorce and custody battle. Again, it’s easy to lash out and say things when you are angry. You might feel like you have the “one up,” but if you just shared your attorney’s litigation strategy, it gives the other side time to counter it or come up with something else against you. You don’t want to lose the element of surprise.

One important thing to remember; watch yourself with friends, family, and co-workers too. The threats and information don’t have to always be communicated directly to your ex. If you say something to someone else who tells them, it could still have the same disastrous results.

Don’t Make the Custody Battle About Your Ex

While it’s tempting to make the custody battle about how bad of a parent your ex is, you need to focus on your children’s needs and what is right for them. Keep your attention on what matters most — the child’s needs.

Some parents think if they call the police or make a report with Child Protective Services against their ex, it will help in the custody battle. Do not abuse the system, and do not get your friends or family call in as an “anonymous” third party. If there are no real threats of harm, it’s an abuse of an already overtaxed system.

Don’t Go Back to Court for More Child Support When You Don’t Need It

Once the orders have been issued, don’t think you can go back to court and just ask for more child support when you don’t need it. This could backfire on you because your ex may then petition for more time sharing rather than agree to an increase in child support. This opens the door for him or her to bring up things you’ve been doing since the original orders were issued. If there is not a genuine need or situation that qualifies for an increase in child support, don’t request it.

Retain a Florida Child Custody Attorney

If you need assistance with child custody or any other family law related matters in Florida, contact the Law Offices of Schwartz | White today at 561-391-9943 to schedule an initial consultation.


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