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Factors Used in Determining Florida Time-Sharing Matters


When it comes to divorce, dealing with child custody is one of the hardest aspects to resolve. In Florida, time sharing is the term used to discuss custody matters. It’s a stressful and emotional process for both parents and kids alike, which is why it’s important to resolve these discussions as quickly as possible in order to minimize the disruption in your children’s lives. Retaining a Boca Raton child custody lawyer can help make the process go smoother, and hopefully resolve it in a shorter amount of time.

If the parents can’t resolve their differences and come to an agreement on time-sharing, the court will make a determination.

Factors Used to Decide on Time-Sharing

Wondering how courts decide on time sharing in Florida? In general, courts prefer to award joint custody, as it’s usually in the best interest of the children. Here’s a look at some of the factors used by family law courts in Florida:

  • Each parent’s capacity to act in the child’s best interest: While it’s natural for parents to be angry at each other in a divorce, the courts will look at whether or not they can put their differences aside to act in their child’s best interests.
  • Moral fitness of each parent: Is each parent morally upstanding and setting a good example for their children?
  • Each parent’s capacity to cooperate, honor time-sharing schedules, and facilitate child-parent relationships: Both parents need to work together to help continue to build a relationship with their children and facilitate the relationship between your ex and your kids. Parents also must be willing to honor time-sharing agreements.
  • Physical and mental health of each parent: Parents should be in good physical and mental health. The courts will consider health problems as well as psychological concerns. Parents may have to undergo psychological evaluations.
  • Evidence of Domestic Abuse: Courts will look whether there are allegations or evidence of child abuse, domestic violence, or child neglect since these issues could obviously compromise your child’s safety.
  • Evidence of or Potential for Substance Abuse: Courts don’t want to have a child in a home where there is evidence of or a potential for substance abuse. This is not a healthy environment for a child to live in.
  • Child’s home, school, and community record: How is your child’s behavior at school and at home? What community activities are they involved in?
  • How will parental responsibilities be divided between the parents and third parties: Courts will look at how you will divide the parental responsibilities between yourselves, as well as what involvement third parties will have. Will your children be in daycare or cared for by a relative when you are at work?
  • Can each parent provide a consistent and stable routine for the children: Courts want to see that there is structure, as that is important for a healthy environment. There should be a daily routine, and the courts will evaluate things like meal times, daily homework schedule, bedtime, discipline, etc.

Contact a Florida Child Custody Lawyer

If you need assistance with child custody time sharing in Florida, contact the Law Offices of Schwartz | White at 561-391-9943 to schedule a consultation.


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