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Florida Parenting Classes Can Help You Avoid the Pitfalls of Co-Parenting?


If a judge orders you to take a driving safety class, it probably means that you made a major driving mistake.  Consider, though, that many thousands of Floridians take state-run driving courses every year, not because a judge orders them to, but just because it’s the law.  Everyone applying for a restricted driver’s license, popularly called a learner’s permit, must take a one-day course on traffic laws and safe driving.  For unmarried couples in Florida, mandatory parenting classes are more like the driving course you take before taking the test for your learner’s permit and less like the ones you take if you get a speeding ticket.  They are a normal part of the process for establishing a co-parenting relationship.  These are some frequently asked questions about parenting classes in Florida.  In many cases, successful co-parenting also requires you to consult a South Florida child custody lawyer.

Q: Who Has to Take Parenting Classes?

A: Every couple who has a child under age 18 at the time of their divorce must complete the Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course.  Many judges require it before they will sign the parenting plan and divorce decree.  Additionally, couples who have never been married to each other but are formalizing their co-parenting relationship with a voluntary declaration of paternity and a parenting plan must also take the course.

Q: Do You and Your Ex Have to Take the Class Together?

A: No.  Most former couples do not take the class together.  Both parents must take the class, but each parent may do it at a time that fits his or her schedule.  Taking the class without your ex is probably more beneficial, since you have some time to think about how to apply the co-parenting strategies you have learned before you begin discussing them with your ex-spouse.

Q: How Long Does the Parenting Class Take?

A: Much like the class you take before applying for a learner’s permit, the parenting class lasts only one day.  The law sets the minimum length for the parenting class at four hours; each county offers them at various locations, and many locations hold sessions both in the daytime and in the evening.

Q: How Much Does the Parenting Class Cost?

A: The cost of a Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course ranges from $18 to $39.  The cost and duration of the classes are such that all parents can take them, not just extraordinarily wealthy ones who can take a lot of time off of work to take classes.

Q: What If You and Your Ex Still Can’t Get Along After Taking the Parenting Class?

A: If you and your ex have difficulty agreeing on a parenting plan, the judge may require you to attend mediation.  If this happens, you should hire a family law attorney, if you have not already done so.

Reach Out to Us Today for Professional Help

Often, co-parenting issues are too complex to resolve in a one-day class.  Contact the Boca Raton divorce lawyers at Schwartz | White about your prenuptial agreement case.




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