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How a Florida Divorce can Affect Children


As a marriage is ending, some couples are so focused on the divorce battle that they fail to take a step back and think about how this whole process will affect their children. Then you have other couples who wonder if they should stay married for the sake of their children and forgo a divorce altogether despite being miserable. There is no right answer for every situation, and families need to do what is best for them. That also means there is no one answer on how divorce will affect every child or how long it will take them to bounce back.

What you can do is take extra precautions to help make the transition easier. Some research indicates that the first year after a divorce is the hardest. Kids may be experiencing a range of emotions that are expressed through anger or anxiety. While most kids are resilient and quickly adapt to new routines and changes, there is a tiny percentage of kids who never really recover and adapt.

Here are several ways that a divorce may impact children:

An Increase in Behavior Problems

Some children struggle and express it through a variety of behavior issues. Perhaps your child is suddenly ditching school or engaging in other delinquent behavior. They may be more impulsive than before or start experiencing problems at school with other kids.

Academic Performance Suffers

Some children struggle on an academic level once their parents are going through a divorce. Sometimes they may not do as well on tests, or they suddenly stop showing an interest in studying or completing school work that is required.

Begging for Affection

With a younger child, they may not be acting out or rebellious like a teenager. Instead, you may see them suddenly being needier and starving for attention and affection, even if you spend hours with them. They may act out as well as a bid for more attention. In some cases, negative attention is preferable to the fear that they will get no attention at all because of the divorce.

How to Help Your Children Recover from a Divorce in Florida

Even if your divorce is not contested and you and your spouse are on good terms, the divorce is hard for a child. There is suddenly a lot of change, and the life they knew with two parents is suddenly changing. Will they need to change their school? Will they lose their friends? Will one of their parents no longer be around? Kids will have a thousand questions and you and your ex need to present a united front to discuss how things will work going forward.

Sit down and talk to your kids regularly to ensure they are up to date with what is currently happening and what will happen down the line. Will you be staying in the family home and have custody? The more consistency you can keep, the better it is for them.

Retaining a Florida Divorce Attorney

Are you getting ready to file for divorce or need assistance with child custody and support? If so, you need to speak with a Florida divorce attorney as soon as possible. At the Law Offices of Schwartz |White, we can help you with your divorce and other related family law matters like child custody, spousal support, child support, parenting plans, and more. Contact our office today at 561-391-9943 to schedule a consultation.

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