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How to Manage Your Florida Divorce Over the Holidays

The holidays are probably the worst time to go through a divorce, as it is one of those times of years that people feel a need to share with others—especially a significant other. If you find yourself in the middle of a Florida divorce during the holidays, there are a few tips you can employ that will keep you sane, and that will help to make the holidays a little more bearable, and even enjoyable.

Do Not Overcompensate for Your Emotions

Because of their unhappiness, many divorcing couples tend to go over the top with fake happiness—especially if they have children— and find that they stress themselves out more by trying to be the perfect parent and perfect spouse than by simply rolling with the punches. This helps no one—especially yourself. While we are not suggesting that you let your emotions get the better of you during the holidays, just be flexible. Also, have realistic expectations regarding what to expect of your spouse over the holidays. For instance, do not expect him or her to give you a gift on Christmas, or to be especially amicable with your family at Thanksgiving dinner. Expect to feel some hurt and anger over his or her cavalier attitude toward you and your family members, but do not let it ruin your holidays.

Consider Spending the Holidays As If You Are Already Separated

If you and your spouse just cannot get along at this juncture of your lives, consider spending the holidays apart. Often times – especially during a high-conflict divorce – this is the best thing to do for your emotional well-being, as well as the well-being of your children.

Consider a Collaborative Divorce

If you are going through a Florida divorce during the holidays, you may want to consider a collaborative divorce. While a collaborative divorce requires both parties to be cooperative, and therefore, is not something that many couples can achieve, if you and your spouse want to avoid the expenses and time consuming litigation of a traditional or high-conflict divorce, you should aim to create a divorce settlement prior to filing for divorce. Going the collaborative divorce route during the holidays will save you, your spouse, and your children a lot of emotional stress and trauma during what should be a joyous time of year. To learn more about Florida’s Collaborative Divorce rules and process, click over to The Florida Bar’s article on the matter.

Think Ahead Regarding Visitation Schedules

One of the greatest points of contention amongst divorced couples regarding custody arrangements and visitation is how to split the holidays. If you are going through a divorce during the holidays, you will experience this conundrum sooner than many divorcing couples. However, it also gives you the advantage in that it forces you to figure out a holiday custody schedule on the fly. When splitting time with your spouse this holiday season, take notes on what works and what does not, that way, when it comes time to draft the real custody schedule, you can have a clear idea on how you want to split the holidays. 

Consult a Boca Raton Divorce Attorney

Divorce is never easy, but going through a divorce during the holidays is one of the most difficult things a couple may have to go through. At the Law Offices of Schwartz | White, our Boca Raton divorce lawyers aim to make the whole divorce process easier for you, no matter when you choose to start it. For a swift and uncomplicated holiday divorce, contact our divorce law firm at 561-391-9943 today.



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