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Now That You Are Divorced, Should You Splurge?


Anyone who says that marriage is just a piece of paper has never been divorce; undoing the legal reality created by the piece of paper costs a lot of time and money, and many people find that it is the most stressful and painful thing they have ever done.  Disentangling the finances of people who have lived together and filed taxes together for years is not simple.  When the judge finally signs a judgment dissolving your marriage, it can take a while to sink in that, except in very limited circumstances, your ex-spouse cannot dictate your financial decisions anymore.  It might be tempting to take refuge in retail therapy, especially if spending was a source of conflict during your marriage, but it is better to strategize with your Boca Raton divorce lawyer about your post-divorce financial plans and to act on those plans after your divorce becomes final.

The Case for a Big Splurge After You Are Divorced

It is hard to be optimistic about the breakdown of a marriage and the partition of marital wealth, but the optimist in all of us can see getting out of an unhappy marriage as a reason to celebrate.  If a big-ticket purchase that you have had your eyes on for years would lift your spirits and give you a new lease on life, then buy it if you can afford it, especially if it is something your ex would have complained bitterly about.  That little red sports car or designer necklace will shine even brighter in light of the fact that you had to disentangle yourself from your ex to get it.  You can even host a divorce party to show off your new purchase.  Blowing your money on something your ex-spouse hates feels really good for a short time, and then the bills start to arrive.

Realistically Speaking, You Probably Shouldn’t Splurge

And now a dose of reality.  The best way to celebrate your financial freedom looks a lot less like a shiny red convertible and more like a spreadsheet.  Getting divorced never made anyone rich, and some of the costs don’t make themselves obvious until after you settle into post-divorce life.  Maybe you now have to pay contractors for the home repairs your ex-husband used to do.  Maybe your taxes will be higher this year because your ex-wife is claiming your children as dependents, meaning that you cannot claim them.  Instead of splurging, make a budget, and then, with money you know you can afford to spend, order a pizza with your favorite toppings that your ex can’t stand (or even just a plain cheese pizza if your ex used to give you an earful about every carb you ingested).

Let Us Help You Today

A divorce lawyer can help you achieve an equitable distribution of marital assets that puts you in a strong position to live out your financial values after your divorce.  Contact Schwartz | White for a consultation.



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