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Taking Care When Using Social Media During A Divorce

It is the world we live in; almost everyone uses social media for one reason or another, and there are multiple social platforms to accommodate different people’s needs. Whether you use it for keeping in touch with others, or simply expressing your innermost thoughts, the use of social media during a divorce opens you up to different liabilities than you would face if you were not getting divorced.

What you post on social media long before your divorce begins can have a negative effect on your divorce settlement later. Posts about your children or your parenting struggles can also be used against you if your spouse is trying to get sole custody. Even if the posts are taken out of context, they can be damaging because they can shift the judge’s perception of you as a capable parent.

Many people are used to posting everything that goes on in their lives, and therefore, it seems natural to post everything about the divorce. This is a mistake. You should never write posts on your ongoing proceedings, and especially not on discussions you have with your attorney. These conversations are privileged, and you should keep them confidential for your own protection.

However, you should also remember that social media can present a great research tool for you and your legal team. If you can see the social media posts your spouse makes, you can monitor them for information that may help you in the divorce. For example, your spouse may make posts that indicate he has more income or financial assets than are disclosed in the required financial disclosures. You may also be able to see pictures and posts that prove he is wasting marital assets to avoid splitting them in the divorce.

Blocking your spouse on your social media accounts is not a guarantee that he will not have access to your posts or pictures. If you shared passwords in the past, or if you have mutual friends, then your spouse may still be able to see, and save what you post online. This is the same for emails and text messages.

Bottom line, when you are going through a divorce, you do not have to stay off social media, especially if it provides you access to your support team. However, you have to remember that not everyone you “friend” online is actually a friend, and may even be working for your spouse. Therefore, even if a person or group has been supportive online, you have to be very careful about what you write, and what pictures you post. All your pictures and posts, even those you delete, are available for use by your spouse in the divorce.

Contact Us to Speak With an Experienced Attorney

Divorces are not always amicable, and it is important to ensure that you are protecting yourself, and not hurting yourself by writing and posting sensitive information online. For more advice on steps you can take to protect yourself when you are going through a divorce, contact our experienced Boca Raton, Florida divorce attorneys, at the Law Offices of Schwartz White for legal assistance.

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