The Co-Parenting App for Ex-Spouses Who Can’t Stand Each Other

Divorce Monday is coming soon, so a whole new group of people is about to begin their journey from being spouses trying to make one more last-ditch effort to save their marriage to being co-parents who only have to treat each other well enough that their behavior toward each other does not harm their children. If you and your spouse have decided to make your split official after the holidays, you are probably researching the least expensive and most conflict free way to get divorced. You might even know about the apps that enable you to download, complete, and file your divorce papers without ever contacting a lawyer. Most divorce apps operate on the assumption that the couple is getting an uncontested divorce, or even if there are some issues that they need to work out in mediation, the couple are generally committed to cooperating instead of antagonizing each other. If, on the other hand, you and your spouse are mortal enemies and you have silently made the decision to celebrate Divorce Monday by lawyering up, then these apps will not help you. (Divorce Monday, by the way, is the first business Monday of the year, when more people file for divorce and contact divorce lawyers than any other day of the year.) In that case, you need a South Florida divorce lawyer.
How to Co-Parent When You Can’t Stand to Be in the Same Room With Your Ex
Co-parenting after divorce is one of life’s most challenging experiences. Few things hurt more than seeing your ex erode your children’s self-esteem the way she once eroded yours, or get their hopes up with empty promises, like he used to do with you when you were married. There is plenty of advice out there about raising children with your ex-spouse, but unless you and your ex really are good friends who just couldn’t deal with the drudgery of marriage, that advice falls flat. Sometimes, the less you say to your ex, the better. Even if you agree to stay out of each other’s business, you have to communicate about mundane matters related to your children sometimes. For some former couples, doing this is excruciating and leads either to open conflict or else veiled insults and hurt feelings.
This is why Bianca Schroetlin created the Peaceful Parent app to help divorced parents communicate. Whereas Our Family Wizard has a built-in “tone meter” that prompts you to edit the snark out of your messages to your ex before you press “send,” Peaceful Parent has pre-written messages for you to select. It is like when advice columnists give you a “script” for what to say to a person with whom you have a troubled relationship, in order to avoid getting dragged into more conflict. Of course, for communication that is too complex for scripted messages, you should communicate through your lawyers or through a family member who gets along reasonably well with both parties.
Let Us Help You Today
Even the smartest app is no substitute for a Boca Raton divorce lawyer. Contact Schwartz | White for a consultation on your case.