What to Do When Your Ex Won’t Follow a Florida Custody Order

Even if a Florida court has issued a custody order, there is no guarantee your ex is going to follow it like he or she is required to do. This can make an already frustrating and stressful situation feel even more overwhelming. It can be anything from your ex not bringing your child home on time to something far more serious, like taking your child out of the country without your permission.
These are situations when you need the assistance of a Boca Raton divorce attorney who can help. No matter what the issue is, it can cause additional stress for you. When you retain an attorney, he or she can help you pursue ways to get your ex to obey the custody order.
Steps You Can Take to Enforce a Custody Order
There is a series of steps that can be taken in order to get someone to obey the custody order. These can include:
- Have Your Attorney Send a Letter: Start by having your Boca Raton child custody attorney send a letter to your ex. This letter should be straightforward and explain that your ex is obligated to comply with all child custody orders issued by the court or he or she will be facing serious legal penalties. In many cases, a strongly worded letter from your attorney should be enough to get your ex to reconsider disobeying a court order.
- Ensure that You’re Following the Agreement Too: Before moving on to any other methods to try and get your ex to comply, make sure you are following the agreement yourself. Just because your ex is guilty of not following the court order doesn’t give you the right to break it too. Failure to follow the court order yourself could result in penalties against you, and the judge may not rule in your favor if he or she thinks you were being spiteful.
- Let Your Attorney Have a Conversation with the Judge: Your attorney can speak with the judge to advise him or her that your ex is not following the custody agreement. He or she may consider a modification of the existing order. In the event your ex still doesn’t obey the order, the judge may opt to reduce your ex’s visitation times, or he or she may even require your ex be ordered to supervised visits only.
- File a Motion for Contempt of Court: If nothing else works and your ex still continues to disregard the court order, then your attorney may need to move to have your ex held in contempt of court. This is a last resort option and could cause significant legal issues down the line. He or she will be required to come to court and answer questions in person to explain why they aren’t obeying the judge’s order.
Contact a Boca Raton Child Custody Attorney Today
If your ex is not obeying a valid child custody order, contact the Law Offices of Schwartz | White today to schedule an initial consultation.