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How to Cope With Custody Disputes When You Are a Father

Fortunately, gender-bias is not as prevalent as it once was in family courts; however, that is not to say that it does not still exist. It is now a known fact that a father plays as pivotal of a role in a child’s development as does the mother, and that allowing equal time with both parents is what is in the child’s best interests. If you are going through a divorce and fear that your role as the father will jeopardize your chances of receiving a fair share of child custody, reach out to the family law attorneys at the Law Offices of Schwartz | White. Our attorneys provide fathers with the tools and knowledge of the law necessary to establish and maintain their parental rights.

Maintaining Your Parenting Rights as a Father

For starters, it is important to address the fact that, legally speaking, a father is entitled to just as much parenting rights as the mother. Family courts are prohibited from making custody determinations based on the gender or role of a parent, as they once did. Today, courts must objectively determine the most appropriate custody schedule for the children, regardless of either parent’s gender. Furthermore, a judge is not allowed to make decisions regarding child support and parenting time based on either parent’s gender either.

With that in mind, there are a few tips that you can utilize in order to ensure the most beneficial custody arrangement is achieved. Those include:

  • Avoid Spiteful Behavior: One of the biggest mistakes that fathers tend to make in custody cases is to overcompensate for their role by making inaccurate and oftentimes hurtful accusations about the mother. From proclamations of “She’s a bad mom” to “My child’s mother abuses drugs and alcohol,” Florida judges have heard it all. Unfortunately, these kinds of accusations only serve to discredit the father and hurt his case. Instead of trying to downplay your former spouse’s parenting skills, it would serve you to strive to create a healthy relationship with them, and to work towards a solution that protects both yours and their best interests, as well as the best interests of your child.
  • Strive for Effective Co-Parenting: This goes hand-in-hand with the above point. While each parent may feel that split-custody is a hardship on them, what they really should be thinking about is how their separation has hurt their children, and what they can do to make things easier on them. The best thing for children of divorce is to see that although their parents are no longer together, they continue to be a united front that wants nothing but the best for them. This means maintaining an amicable relationship with your former partner, co-parenting effectively, and not disagreeing simply to disagree.
  • Always Put Your Children First: Despite how your marriage ended or whose fault it was, the best thing for your children is to put aside your grievances and create a healthy environment for them. Additionally, always be there when you say you are going to be there, and do not let other relationships or career goals get in the way of your parenting time.

Work With a Boca Raton Custody Attorney

The Boca Raton child custody lawyers at the Law Offices of Schwartz | White strive to help newly single fathers understand their rights and how to exercise those rights when navigating the custody process. If you want to ensure the best possible outcome for you, your former spouse, and most importantly, your child, reach out to our family law firm today by calling 561-391-9943, or contact us online to schedule an appointment.

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