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Modifying Your Florida Child Support Orders

When a judge determines the amount of child support that a mother or father has to pay post divorce, he or she does so with care and calculation, and with the child’s best interests in mind. Child support is awarded not only to help the primary caregiver support the child, but also to help the primary caregiver provide the child with the same type of lifestyle they had before the divorce. Because of this, child support orders are not easily modified, and if they are, the amount generally does not fluctuate too greatly.

However, as life changes for the newly divorced couple, so do their separate financial situations. What the courts may have deemed a fair and reasonable amount prior to divorce could become a hardship on the payer post divorce. The Florida courts recognize that circumstances do change, and that support awards must change with them.

In order to modify your child support payments in Boca Raton, Florida, you must prove to the courts that “a substantial change in circumstances” has occurred. Our family law attorneys can help you determine whether or not you are eligible for a modification, and if so, how to go about achieving the outcome you want.

When A Judge Will Consider Decreasing the Existing Child Support Award

If you are looking to decrease your child support payments, you must prove that one or more of the following applies to you and your situation:

  • You lost your job;
  • You lost a significant portion of your income;
  • The child’s expenses are becoming less burdensome; or
  • The receiving party makes more money than you.

If you can prove that any of the above applies to you, you may be eligible for child support modification in Florida.

When A Judge Will Consider Increasing the Existing Child Support Award

If you are looking to increase the amount of child support that you receive, you must prove that one or more of the following applies to you and your situation:

  • You lost your job;
  • You lost a significant portion of your income;
  • The child’s expenses are becoming more burdensome; or
  • The paying party makes more money than you.

If the judge determines that neither party’s circumstances have changed, they will refer to the Florida child support guidelines and award an amount based off of the year’s standards. In many instances, this is beneficial to one party, and detrimental to another, so it is best to consider your motivations for seeking a modification to your child support orders before taking the motion to court.

Consult With A Family Law Attorney

At the Law Offices of Schwartz | White, our Boca Raton family law attorneys can help you accomplish the modifications to your child support orders that you desire. Whether you are the payer and need your child support award lowered to accommodate increased living expenses, or whether you are the payee and need your child support award increased for the same reason, we have the knowledge and experience necessary to help you achieve the outcome you need. To speak with a family law attorney, contact us to schedule your consultation today.

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