Tag Archives: Divorce and Social Media

How Social Media Plays a Role in Your Florida Divorce
Nearly everyone you meet utilizes some form of social media, making it pretty easy to find out private details of someone else’s life. Some people keep their profiles extremely private, while others post about every minute detail of their daily life. No matter how you utilize social media, it’s important to understand how it… Read More »
Going through a Divorce? Watch Your Social Media Habits
Most people know that typing, sharing, tweeting, and Facebooking can get you in trouble if you are not careful. But for some individuals, 140 characters can cause 140 problems with their divorce, separation, or custody battle. For instance, back in 2012, Mark Byron nearly ended up in jail after a short comment on his… Read More »
Four Signs Social Media May be Ruining Your Marriage
Most people today use at least one form of social media, whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat. For most, it is an innocuous hobby, a way to pass the time and reconnect with your second grade best friend while seeing the latest in cute cat memes and share the mundane events of… Read More »
Getting Divorced? Think Twice Before Posting on Social Media
If you are like the majority of the clients that walk through our door, you no doubt have a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account – maybe even all three. There is no denying the convenience of social media for staying in touch with family and friends, re-connecting with childhood classmates, and getting support from… Read More »