Tag Archives: Florida Divorce Attorneys

What Happens if My Ex Hides Assets During our Florida Divorce?
It’s no secret that many divorces are contentious, but some spouses make the entire process worse. Some unscrupulous people attempt to hide assets from their spouse in hopes they won’t be subject to distribution during the divorce. This is not only illegal, but it can result in serious consequences. How to Uncover Hidden Assets… Read More »

Methods Used to Value a Business in a Florida Divorce
Topics like spousal support, child custody, and child support are common issues encountered in almost all divorces; however, those who own businesses will find there is added complexity when it comes to asset distribution. Those with a professional practice, like doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants, etc., will encounter more complicated methods utilized to divide assets… Read More »

How a Florida Divorce can Affect an Adoption
Divorce is a stressful and emotional experience for all parties involved, but it can be even more stressful when there is an adopted child in the mix. Some adoptive parents wonder how divorce will affect the adoption. Depending on the circumstances and where you are in the adoption process, a divorce could have major… Read More »
If My Circumstances Significantly Change, Will My Alimony Payments Change?
In Florida, there are six types of alimony that a judge may order someone to pay: Bridge the Gap, Temporary, Lump Sum, Rehabilitative, Durational, and Permanent Periodic. These days, a judge will only award permanent periodic alimony when the marriage lasted for 17 or more years. Anything shorter than that is subject to durational… Read More »
What to Do When Your Child Does Not Want to See His or Her Other Parent
As a parent, it is never easy to share custody of a child, and it never gets any easier to send the child back to their other parent’s home when it is his or her time for visitation. However, when a child turns to their mother or father at the time of pickup or… Read More »
Managing Your Expectations in Your Boca Raton Divorce
For many individuals, one of the most difficult aspects of a Florida divorce is managing their expectations. While one party of the divorce may imagine the process to go smoothly and without any complications, the other may assume that they are going to be awarded the house, the cars, and custody of the kids… Read More »
False Allegations of Domestic Violence in Divorce
The divorce process is hard on everyone, but every once in awhile, one spouse will make the process a lot more difficult than it needs to be. From demanding outrageous and unfair settlements, to trying to keep the kids away from the other parent, our Boca Raton divorce attorneys have seen clients through a… Read More »